Monday, November 15, 2010

A tale of birthdays

Surprisingly, coincidentally I share my birthday with Anin, my bhabhi on November 13th.

We have so many birthdays this month.
As we go on adding new relations to our life, we add those wonderful dates also in our calender and a reason to celebrate more than ever.

Birthdays this month: 

November 13th me and Anin. 
November 14th J Nehru's bday (kidding...I know its a filler) We can kid around and celebrate Children's day with children :)
November 15th is my aaji's (paternal grandmother),
November 16th Sameer's-my brother
November 17th is my MIL's bday...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Values!

Tanay started with Pre-K Dinosaurs today, Here is the letter I got from his cubby file on his first day. I really liked this idea of a way of cultivating good values in his school which will be measured daily. Responsibility! it is such a big word for those tiny ones. But its good to start sowing seeds sooner than later. Read on: